
Delbert Brown, Son of John and Vivian Passes

I have been very late in posting that Delbert Brown, brother of Martha Brown White, too passed away just a month and a day after her. Uncle Delly died October 12, 2020, 83 years old. As we all know, due to Covid-19 funeral services are private so no one could attend....

Revolutionary War Patriots Approved by NSDAR

I have been working on additional Patriots for the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) from my White and Brown family lines and have added three, with one more in the cue to be approved. The first is George Eckert, born in 1743, possibly Earl Township,...

Mary Spencer Betts Has Passed Away

It is with great sadness that I pass along the news of Mary Spencer Betts (daughter of Howard and Mary White Spencer) has left us to join Bill and Kerry. She had been fighting cancer for about a year and wasn’t expected to be with us until Thanksgiving 2019, but...

Stones River Battlefield in Peril

Descendants of John Wesley Duart and Joseph Shoemaker, this is for you. Our ancestors of the PA Co. C, 7th Cavalry, fought in the Battle of Stones River or Murfreesboro, TN near Shelbysville, TN. Joseph Shoemaker fell from his horse, was severely injured and continued...
Christian Eby – Revolutionary War Patriot

Christian Eby – Revolutionary War Patriot

My granddaughter, Kali Martin, approached me about joining the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. I was elated that one of the younger generation was interested in joining a group in which I am so involve. It didn’t take long for me to get...
New Book to be released.

New Book to be released.

May 16th 2019 the Harrisburg Chapter, NSDAR will release their newest book “They Forged Our Path To Freedom: Patriots, Founders, Members 125Years of Pride 1894-2019”, in celebration of 125 years of history. The chapter has assembled biographies on the...