by Deb | Aug 29, 2023 | Generations Remembered, White Family
My husband and I traveled West to visit relatives and friends and our route went very close to Pana, IL. I knew my three times great grandparents were buried there in the Linwood Cemetery. We found the stone and I was able to photograph, scrape off a few lichens and...
by Deb | Jul 22, 2023 | Family Reunions, Uncategorized, White Family
Yesterday I attended the memorial service for cousin Philip (with one L like the disciple- he says) Howard Spencer at the Media Presbyterian Church in Media, PA. It was a wonderful celebration of his life with many of his paintings, photos and great stories told by...
by Deb | Jun 5, 2023 | Generations Remembered, Uncategorized, White Family
Al and I went on another adventure to visit friends and relatives in our motorhome. We visited with Cousins Mark and Colleen Myers in Cleveland, TN. Always fun to hear about Marks latest birding trips. He has been all over the World banding birds and taking wonderful...
by Deb | Mar 2, 2023 | Daughters, Generations Remembered, White Family
My White Family history in two volumes landed on my doorstep today. Wahoo! What a yeomen’s effort of Joyce Hughes and Marsha Pilger. Joyce worked on this history until her death and then the burden fell on Marsha. She has done a fine job and it looks great....
by Deb | Feb 28, 2023 | Generations Remembered, Uncategorized, White Family
What a struggle to get 5 x great grandfather Samuel Milliken proven as a Revolutionary War patriot, but it’s done. Samuel was born in Ireland c. 1727, married Sarah Jardine, sister to Mary Jardine the wife of Thomas White. They lived in Cumberland County, later...