
May 23, 2021 cousin James William Roberts, 92, of Marysville, passed away at Claremont Nursing & Rehab Center, Carlisle, PA. Jim will be remembered by some as the caretaker, along with Harold Branyan, of the Gailey-White Cemetery in Cove, PA. He made sure there was a bridge across the creek so visitors could access the cemetery. He and Harold mowed the access path and maintained the cemetery for many years.

James William Roberts

Jim always had an interesting story or photo to share. I spent many hours in the cemetery, cleaning out poison ivy and filling groundhog holes with him. He turned the books over to me some years ago, but I could never keep it looking as good has Jim.

On July 22, 2021, another cousin, Sara Myers Johnson, 96, of Mechanicsburg, PA passed away. My best memory of Cousin Sara was the first Christmas I lived in Hershey, I had to work Christmas Day. Sara invited me to come for lunch with her family. My first Christmas that wasn’t in Snedekerville nor with Mom, Dad, Barb and Carol. Sara saved my holiday and I was able to get home later in the week.

Sara also introduced me to my California cousins. Mark Myers was coming for a visit from California. I knew we had Myers cousins, but had never met them. I am so glad I had that opportunity. Later, when I traveled for work, I visited Mark in New Orleans when he was working at the Audubon Zoo. He gave me a personal tour, that was truly unforgettable.

Sara Myers Johnson

The photo below is Mel Myers, Scott and Herb Johnson, Mark and Robb Myers at one of the family reunions.

On the 15th of January this year, Sara’s brother, Melvin also died. He was in Beechwood, NJ at the time and I have no further information about his death. I visited Mel and Dottie in Princeton NJ on a couple of occasions. He gave me the photo that I take to the White Reunions, of the children of Alexander and Mary Ella (Hess) White. It is such a treasure.