Frank and Lydia (Buckwalter) Hershey Family Reunion Aug. 26, 2018

The Frank and Lydia (Buckwalter) Hershey family reunion will be held at Paradise Community Park on August 26th, 2018, Pavilion #2, starting at 1:00 pm.  The park is located on Londonvale Road off Rt. 30 in Paradise, Lancaster Co., PA.   Bring a large dish to pass, table service, lawn chairs and drink.  Share your family updates and pictures.

There is a playground, baseball, basketball and tennis available, but bring your own equipment.

If you have any questions, reply to this website.  We look forward to continuing this long tradition of Hersheys gathering in Paradise.

Frank and Lydia (Buckwalter) Hershey Reunion Aug. 23, 2015

It’s that time of the year again with Frank and Lydia’s grandchildren get together to catch up on the marriages, births and unfortunately those we have lost since we last met.  The reunion will be Sunday, August 23, 2015 at Paradise Community Park, Londonvale Road off rt. 30 in Paradise, PA,  lunch at 1:00 p.m.  Bring a dish to pass, table service, lawn chairs and drink.  Share family pictures and information.  Please share this reunion information with your immediate family as we do not have email or snail mail addresses for everyone.

There is a playground and athletic fields available, but you will have to bring your own equipment.

If you have questions, please get in touch with Marlene Buch at [email protected]

Hershey’s Come One, Come All

The annual Frank and Lydia (Buckwalter) Hershey family reunion will be held Sunday, August 25, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the Paradise Community Park, Paradise, PA. Pavilion #2.  Bring a large dish to pass, table service, lawn chairs, drink and old pictures.  Please let your immediate family know about the reunion.  If I have an up to date email, they should be receiving a notice soon.  Playground, athletic fields are available, bring your own equipment.

Frank and Lydia (Buckwalter) Hershey Reunion 2012

Frank and Lydia (Buckwalter) Hershey Reunion

          August 26, 2012  1:00 pm

Paradise Community Park

          Londonvale Road off Rt. 30 in Paradise, PA

Pavilion #2

Bring a large dish to pass, table service, lawn chairs and drink.  Share family pictures and information.  Please share this reunion information with your immediate family
Playground, athletic fields available