
Alex and Mary Ella White Reunion Registration Form 2016

White Reunion Registration Form 2016 We have the place, time, food and now we need you — to fill in the attached form so we know you are coming to the Alexander and Mary Ella (Hess) White family reunion July 23, 2016 at Paradise Park, Paradise, PA. Meet those...

Sara Jane Bell Nebiolo Passing

This has been the Christmas of sad news with numerous friends and relatives passing away. I have one to share.  Sara Jane Bell Nebiolo passed away in August 2015.  She is a cousin on the Bell side of the family and there are far too many already.  I grew up knowing...

Romaine Roberts Memorial October 31, 2015

It was a wonderful celebration of Romaine Myers Roberts life at the Glenvale Church of God this past Saturday (Oct. 31, 2015) as she was laid to rest.  The children of Romaine and Jim Roberts offered memories that made you smile and shed a tear. Romaine and Jim were...

Thomas White, Revolutionary War Patriot

Some time ago Cousin Mark Myers was in to PA for a visit and asked if we had any White’s who fought in the Revolutionary War.  I answered that I thought they came to late, but then questioned if I ever looked.  I set out to look for an ancestor and with little...

Meg Ellen Spencer Memorial Service

Last week I attended a lovely memorial service for Meg Ellen Spencer, who died suddenly in an auto accident.  I only remember meeting her once or twice at a family reunion, but learned a lot about her from family, friends and colleagues at the service. Meg was a...